Thursday, February 27, 2014


I was thinking how I can describe the four years spent at an university and one of the very first words that came up to my mind was a ‘marathon’. Yes, a marathon – studying has always been boring for some or exciting for others, taking more or less time. And when you think about it, it has always been a marathon, competing with others for better grades, more attention, more free time, more understanding from professors, more parties to go, and more stories to tell. We spend all four years trying to compete and be the best, or one of the best, in whatever aspect you can think of. And I am not saying this is something negative. Quite on the contrary. If it wasn’t for the competition, the victory wouldn’t be so so sweet and enjoyable.

In relation to one of my posts: go seniors! DO NOTMISS A CHANCE! Go, AUBGers! Now is the time. Run your marathon and, no matter if you will come out as a winner, the more important thing is that you will have an awesome experience, incredible memories and unforgettable stories to tell. Live and love as much as you can. Those will be the storiesyou tell when you’re old and wrinkled.

In this context, I came across an interesting website concerning various kinds of sports. It is Athlinks and it connects athletes from all over the world and enthusiasts as well. The website provides information about different races, marathons, and competitions where people can take part in. An interesting feature is that users can compare their results with those of the athletes of their choice. If anyone is interested, visit their home page at


1 comment:

  1. One of the good things is that this marathon does not end with graduation; it goes on in life and you keep on pursuing your goals and following your dreams, whatever they may be.
