Saturday, February 15, 2014

Senior?!  Seriously?

You do not actually realize that you are a senior until the very last week when the exams are approaching. You do not realize that you are a senior until you get an e-mail with subject “To Graduating Seniors Only”. You do not realize that you are a senior until someone asks you about your academic standing.

You might not exist in the body of a college senior, you might not have the mind of a 23-year-old, and you might wear a freshman’s soul, but the single pure truth, the stage of life that your mother nature has predetermined for you is that you are a senior and, hopefully, you are going to graduate in May.

My dear seniors, do not think that you are old. Well, yes, you are old but in a sense that you are more mature, knowledgeable, experienced, and familiar with the night life. You are still students, so you do not need to work. You are not considered unemployed because you are still students. Do not suffer for your future, leave the tears for the prom, and until then take a look at your conscious or not so conscious behavior that definitely screams “I AM A SENIOR!”

Signs that you are certainly a senior

  • Catch yourself more and more frequently thinking about what you are going to do after you graduate
  • Blame the university for teaching you nothing for those four years because you think that you are not capable of getting a good job
  • Feel desperate about your future career
  • Feel that life has flown away and you still have not done the things you have always wanted to
  • Cherish your friends more and tell them more often that you love them
  • Become too emotional when you hear depressing songs at the bar
  • Use the words “last” and “best” in every sentence
  • Believe that attending classes is a waste of time
  • Most of your friends are getting married
  • Get a neater haircut
  • Fill your wardrobe with more formal clothes
  • Go to the gym more often because you want to look good at the graduation
  • Gossip about and feel indignant at the way the freshmen (girls) dress up

For a fuller list of the signs that you are a senior, check out this link:



  1. If I experience all of that and considering that I/m not a senior, should I graduate as well?
