Sunday, February 16, 2014

Seniors Survival Kit

Hello again, fellows. Today I don’t intend to make you feel bad by any means because of your academic standing.  My sole purpose is to help you build a meaningful and useful strategy for surviving the last semester. After determining that you are certainly a senior and you have to deal with this horrible fact somehow, you should not to get into a deep depression, but rather stand up and be proud of yourself, of what you have achieved for those four years, no matter how insignificant it might seem to you. For that reason, my advice is that you read the small but valuable survival kit and if you, by any chance, still miss some of the items on the list, what are you waiting for – go and get them. The clock is ticking…

First and foremost, you need a clock, not a small wrist watch, but a big loud alarm clock. Its purpose is not to measure the days till graduation, but to remind you that you are senior just once and every hour you sleep more is a wasted time that you could spend doing something enjoyable with your friends.

After the clock I will not arrange the items in any order since they are of equal significance.
You will also need a sponge to soak up all the knowledge that you will acquire.

You cannot do without a battery. It will help you keep going and going and going.

An eraser plays a vital role in your survival kit to remind you that each day is new and you can start on a blank page.

Candle for when you are burning the midnight oil studying

Band-Aid for when things get a little rough

Rubber Band to remind you to be always flexible  

Crayon to help color your days bright and cheerful

Pen to write down every moment worth remembering

Peanut not to forget to take time to be a little nutty sometimes

Penny so you always have enough cents to realize you are a valuable person

And of course don’t forget your good mood and don’t allow small disappointments or people to spoil your day. You are awesome and your friends prove it!!! 



  1. Great! I like it how you describe the purpose of each item in a figurative way. Especially the peanut. However, the most useful one is the clock, for sure. Not only to use the time in an enjoyable way, but also to have enough time to do important things.

  2. Very valuable advice! And very creative way of presenting each of the items that we use on a daily basis. I will never look the same way at them,

  3. I have to disagree with you, Steli. I think that the battery is the most useful item - energy is not to be disregarded, especially during the finals week
