Sunday, February 23, 2014


Wait! Everybody, calm down! I am aware of the name of the title and the impact it might have on you but it is not what you think. In today’s post I am not going to talk about the night out clubs in Blagoevgrad, where you can drink to oblivion and “forget” all your problems. This, I will leave for some other time. Now I would like to focus your attention on the clubs at AUBG (for those unfamiliar with this term, clubs are extracurricular activities which students choose to participate in voluntarily). Particularly important this post is for the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

My dear readers, it is extremely essential to realize one thing – studying is necessary and vital, but it is not everything you can get in a university and it should not be everything you want to do. Believe me, I am a senior, I know. Part of this knowing occurred at a lit late stage for me but I am glad that I grasped that on time. “Better late than never!” people say. What I am talking about is that you should participate in as many as you can and desire clubs while at a university. My advice toward you is that if you don’t, you will regret it.

For two years I have been part of AUBG Olympics which is the home of the sports at AUBG. However, we don’t just organize Olympic Games and various challenges, or look for sponsors to support those events. We meet new people and make good friends. We party a lot and have fun. We argue quite often as well, but only to come up with the best ideas. And we do all that enjoying out time together, not as co-workers, but as friends. Thank you, amazing Olympians for the great time!

My last year at AUBG I decided to apply for Radio AURA and I got accepted. I have been working there for several months now and I don’t regret applying at all. I realized that I wanted to do so many things and even though this is my last semester, it is also my last chance. For that reason, I gave it a shot and it worked. It didn’t just worked but it worked amazingly well because I met wonderful people there. Thank you!

So, people, there are more awesome people like you out there and more awesome activities to do that just studying. Do not hesitate! Take your chance now! I did and I am happy!!!

Source: Personal archive

Source: Personal archive


  1. You have managed to give the best advice for any student in any university. Life is more than grades, and you can learn immensely, develop practical skills and have fun. It makes me wonder what people are thinking when they have never been part of a club.

  2. Guys, what would we do when we graduate AUBG, when there are no more clubs and fun activities that come along with them? Are our lives gonna be dull and gray?
