Friday, February 21, 2014


One of my roommates just posted a photo on Facebook with the words “I got 99 problems, but they can wait till Monday.” I cannot but absolutely agree with this statement. It is Friday, anyway, and I just can’t cause my poor exhausted brain the pain of doing anything more than listening to music or staring at the laptop screen, let alone executing high mental activity that requires all my convolutions to fold even more. NO!

However, while you, my dear seniors, can afford to postpone the search for resolutions of your problems, you should recall the fact that this is your last semester at AUBG and reconsider your behavior. Think about all the things you wanted to do, but didn’t. Think about all the places you wanted to visit, but didn’t. Think about all the people you promised to go out for a coffee, but didn’t have the time. Think about all the things you wanted to tell someone, but didn’t have the courage.

DO NOT MISS A CHANCE!!! Do all that you haven’t done so far. Go to those places, get a cup of coffee with a friend and chat, tell those people what you missed to say earlier. Do not miss a chance to go out and party, to drink, to have fun, to dance, to laugh, to sing, to love. Do not miss a chance to make memories and to take pictures to immortalize those sublime moments!

Source: Personal archive


  1. Your story just made me write to a very close friend of mine who is graduating this year..I guess this is one of our last chances to spend some time together and I am not gonna miss it! :))

  2. Makes you wonder... is it that time when you should start thinking what you missed and need to make up for.. :)

  3. Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience so Steli, go and make those wanted memories real!!!
