Thursday, February 27, 2014

A long time ago I was looking through some old documents, letters, and photos at home when I came across my mom’s notebook from high school. I opened it and on one of the last pages there was a message from her class teacher, saying the following: There are two tough decisions in life every person has to make – what career to take on and what person to marry. I might agree with her and say that those are probably the most crucial decisions that determine to a great extent a person’s life. If, of course, you already decided 1) to be a millionaire without working and 2) not to get married.

However, here, I would like to add one more hard decision that I am certain a lot of seniors, and not only, have to make: what to do after graduation. Go to do masters, do an internship, get a job, travel around the world…many options, one road. Oh, my! This is not even a dilemma or a crossroads! So, you, young and green and fresh minds, have to make a wise (or not) choice. I just want to tell you that no matter what other people do, you are different and unique. You don’t need to go study because that’s how it is supposed to be, and you don’t need to find a $2000-pay job because that is what most people strive for. Whatever you do, make sure it comes from your heart!

OK, enough with the serious talk. That was not the point of this post, although it might seem the opposite. I just wanted to share with you that we actually face a lot of dilemmas every single day, starting from the morning whether to go to class or not, going through lunch whether to get out of the bed or stay a lit bit longer, to the evening whether to go out because there is an awesome party, but you have a 9 am class. Well, I am not telling you, but my advice is that every party is unique by itself and will never repeat, but you will have to wake up at 8 am every day from the day you get a job, so….I think you got me ;)



I was thinking how I can describe the four years spent at an university and one of the very first words that came up to my mind was a ‘marathon’. Yes, a marathon – studying has always been boring for some or exciting for others, taking more or less time. And when you think about it, it has always been a marathon, competing with others for better grades, more attention, more free time, more understanding from professors, more parties to go, and more stories to tell. We spend all four years trying to compete and be the best, or one of the best, in whatever aspect you can think of. And I am not saying this is something negative. Quite on the contrary. If it wasn’t for the competition, the victory wouldn’t be so so sweet and enjoyable.

In relation to one of my posts: go seniors! DO NOTMISS A CHANCE! Go, AUBGers! Now is the time. Run your marathon and, no matter if you will come out as a winner, the more important thing is that you will have an awesome experience, incredible memories and unforgettable stories to tell. Live and love as much as you can. Those will be the storiesyou tell when you’re old and wrinkled.

In this context, I came across an interesting website concerning various kinds of sports. It is Athlinks and it connects athletes from all over the world and enthusiasts as well. The website provides information about different races, marathons, and competitions where people can take part in. An interesting feature is that users can compare their results with those of the athletes of their choice. If anyone is interested, visit their home page at


Sunday, February 23, 2014


Wait! Everybody, calm down! I am aware of the name of the title and the impact it might have on you but it is not what you think. In today’s post I am not going to talk about the night out clubs in Blagoevgrad, where you can drink to oblivion and “forget” all your problems. This, I will leave for some other time. Now I would like to focus your attention on the clubs at AUBG (for those unfamiliar with this term, clubs are extracurricular activities which students choose to participate in voluntarily). Particularly important this post is for the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

My dear readers, it is extremely essential to realize one thing – studying is necessary and vital, but it is not everything you can get in a university and it should not be everything you want to do. Believe me, I am a senior, I know. Part of this knowing occurred at a lit late stage for me but I am glad that I grasped that on time. “Better late than never!” people say. What I am talking about is that you should participate in as many as you can and desire clubs while at a university. My advice toward you is that if you don’t, you will regret it.

For two years I have been part of AUBG Olympics which is the home of the sports at AUBG. However, we don’t just organize Olympic Games and various challenges, or look for sponsors to support those events. We meet new people and make good friends. We party a lot and have fun. We argue quite often as well, but only to come up with the best ideas. And we do all that enjoying out time together, not as co-workers, but as friends. Thank you, amazing Olympians for the great time!

My last year at AUBG I decided to apply for Radio AURA and I got accepted. I have been working there for several months now and I don’t regret applying at all. I realized that I wanted to do so many things and even though this is my last semester, it is also my last chance. For that reason, I gave it a shot and it worked. It didn’t just worked but it worked amazingly well because I met wonderful people there. Thank you!

So, people, there are more awesome people like you out there and more awesome activities to do that just studying. Do not hesitate! Take your chance now! I did and I am happy!!!

Source: Personal archive

Source: Personal archive

Friday, February 21, 2014


One of my roommates just posted a photo on Facebook with the words “I got 99 problems, but they can wait till Monday.” I cannot but absolutely agree with this statement. It is Friday, anyway, and I just can’t cause my poor exhausted brain the pain of doing anything more than listening to music or staring at the laptop screen, let alone executing high mental activity that requires all my convolutions to fold even more. NO!

However, while you, my dear seniors, can afford to postpone the search for resolutions of your problems, you should recall the fact that this is your last semester at AUBG and reconsider your behavior. Think about all the things you wanted to do, but didn’t. Think about all the places you wanted to visit, but didn’t. Think about all the people you promised to go out for a coffee, but didn’t have the time. Think about all the things you wanted to tell someone, but didn’t have the courage.

DO NOT MISS A CHANCE!!! Do all that you haven’t done so far. Go to those places, get a cup of coffee with a friend and chat, tell those people what you missed to say earlier. Do not miss a chance to go out and party, to drink, to have fun, to dance, to laugh, to sing, to love. Do not miss a chance to make memories and to take pictures to immortalize those sublime moments!

Source: Personal archive

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Seniors Survival Kit

Hello again, fellows. Today I don’t intend to make you feel bad by any means because of your academic standing.  My sole purpose is to help you build a meaningful and useful strategy for surviving the last semester. After determining that you are certainly a senior and you have to deal with this horrible fact somehow, you should not to get into a deep depression, but rather stand up and be proud of yourself, of what you have achieved for those four years, no matter how insignificant it might seem to you. For that reason, my advice is that you read the small but valuable survival kit and if you, by any chance, still miss some of the items on the list, what are you waiting for – go and get them. The clock is ticking…

First and foremost, you need a clock, not a small wrist watch, but a big loud alarm clock. Its purpose is not to measure the days till graduation, but to remind you that you are senior just once and every hour you sleep more is a wasted time that you could spend doing something enjoyable with your friends.

After the clock I will not arrange the items in any order since they are of equal significance.
You will also need a sponge to soak up all the knowledge that you will acquire.

You cannot do without a battery. It will help you keep going and going and going.

An eraser plays a vital role in your survival kit to remind you that each day is new and you can start on a blank page.

Candle for when you are burning the midnight oil studying

Band-Aid for when things get a little rough

Rubber Band to remind you to be always flexible  

Crayon to help color your days bright and cheerful

Pen to write down every moment worth remembering

Peanut not to forget to take time to be a little nutty sometimes

Penny so you always have enough cents to realize you are a valuable person

And of course don’t forget your good mood and don’t allow small disappointments or people to spoil your day. You are awesome and your friends prove it!!! 


Saturday, February 15, 2014

Senior?!  Seriously?

You do not actually realize that you are a senior until the very last week when the exams are approaching. You do not realize that you are a senior until you get an e-mail with subject “To Graduating Seniors Only”. You do not realize that you are a senior until someone asks you about your academic standing.

You might not exist in the body of a college senior, you might not have the mind of a 23-year-old, and you might wear a freshman’s soul, but the single pure truth, the stage of life that your mother nature has predetermined for you is that you are a senior and, hopefully, you are going to graduate in May.

My dear seniors, do not think that you are old. Well, yes, you are old but in a sense that you are more mature, knowledgeable, experienced, and familiar with the night life. You are still students, so you do not need to work. You are not considered unemployed because you are still students. Do not suffer for your future, leave the tears for the prom, and until then take a look at your conscious or not so conscious behavior that definitely screams “I AM A SENIOR!”

Signs that you are certainly a senior

  • Catch yourself more and more frequently thinking about what you are going to do after you graduate
  • Blame the university for teaching you nothing for those four years because you think that you are not capable of getting a good job
  • Feel desperate about your future career
  • Feel that life has flown away and you still have not done the things you have always wanted to
  • Cherish your friends more and tell them more often that you love them
  • Become too emotional when you hear depressing songs at the bar
  • Use the words “last” and “best” in every sentence
  • Believe that attending classes is a waste of time
  • Most of your friends are getting married
  • Get a neater haircut
  • Fill your wardrobe with more formal clothes
  • Go to the gym more often because you want to look good at the graduation
  • Gossip about and feel indignant at the way the freshmen (girls) dress up

For a fuller list of the signs that you are a senior, check out this link:


Sunday, February 9, 2014

10 Things I haven’t done at AUBG! (YET)

We have all had our memories about the crazy and not so crazy moments that we experienced at a university. Quite often, we do not even remember some of them – but there are our friends to fill in the blank spots. There is nothing more exciting than the feeling of being reminded about what you have done but don’t recall now. While some of us are bigger party animals, and neither a 9 am class, nor a midterm can prevent them from going out, others are more moderate. I belong to the latter one and I have been more often on the side of the people who remind about the “last night”. So, here is a list of ten things I have never done during my four years at AUBG. And since this is my last semester, maybe it is about time for me to start completing them one by one or simultaneously.

1) I haven’t sung at the karaoke in the Piano Bar!
2) I haven’t danced on the counter in Underground!
3) I haven’t attended a class drunk!
4) I haven’t eaten at aunt Krasi!
5) I haven’t fallen from my bed (I sleep on the upper bed)!
6) I haven’t been fined!
7) I haven’t spent my money for one week in a day!
8) I haven’t slept in a lobby!
9) I haven’t embarrassed myself in front of a professor!
10) I haven’t come back to Scapto from a night out after the first class started! 

Personal archive: My friends sing at a karaoke night.

Personal archive: My roommates are going crazy on the dance floor.

Personal archive: Yes, they love to sing.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


You must admit that you have heard at least once the phrase Students’ years are the best in one’s life. And you must admit that this is so right! School is over and there is no class teacher to count your absences and call home because they have exceeded a certain allowed number. There are no parents to check on you and scold you for getting home late. There are still money issues, though. The fact that you have grown up, leads to the inference that you will have greater needs which require an increase in your daily budget. This conclusion, combined with the sad truth that you are still financially dependent on your parents can bring only a :( on our face.

BUT! When you go to university, you decide what to spend your money on, how, with whom. You decide when to go out, get drunk, get home, sleep, eat, and yes, I must say, go to classes. You have the freedom to choose how to spend not just your money, but also your day and night. You are a grown-up, and, supposedly, mature enough to make conscious decisions. Or maybe you are that kind of person who thinks that now is the time to live for the moment, to live on the edge, not to miss a chance to be crazy, adventurous, and happy. No matter how you feel and what you do, surely those four years are the best. THEY HAVE BEEN THE BEST FOR ME!

If you ask me how it feels to be a senior, I would answer that I am glad and proud of myself that I have survived this far. I came, saw, did, and survived AUBG. I am a SURVIVOR! Here, I am not just talking about the hardest, earliest, and impossible to pass classes, or the toughest professors! I have survived the drinking, the cold, the sleeping on a sofa with two more people, the lack of money when we had to eat home-made lyutenica, or the opening of a can of corn with a knife.

I have survived all of that and much more. You will not believe even how much more. Now I am here, excitedly anticipating to graduate. But I think I encountered a problem, a tiny one, and I catch myself contemplating on it more and more often. I want all those past years back because I have so many more things to do, so many not to, and so many more lessons to learn. My friends, well, I think I will keep the old ones.

Personal archive: We have to warm each other somehow (September, 2010)

Personal archive: This is the only friend that is always up for a party.

Personal archive: Additional heating measures in the cold winter nights.

Personal archive: Yes, she is Math and ECO major.

Personal archive: Her abilities are not limited with solving Math problems.