Sunday, March 16, 2014

10 Things You Do NOT Have to Apologize For When You Are In College

Since early childhood, since the time we were forced to sleep in the afternoon because sleep helps us grow, since the time we were checked if we washed our hands before eating, we have been taught the three most important words in life: please, thank you, and I apologize. Yes, we were taught to be good people, thankful for the things we had and received, and regretful for the wrongs we did. We were taught that to apologize means to admit your wrong deed, behavior, or words, so that we make the other person feel better. However, no one asked us if we do want to apologize. No one asked us why we did what we did. No one asked us how we felt. Well, this absolutely cruel life injustice has been revenged. In college. Below is a list of 10 things you don’t need to apologize for when you are in college. So, grab a pen, take notes, and don’t forget that no one can make you apologize if you don’t want to.

       1)      Going shopping for more socks and underwear so you don’t have to do laundry.   
       2)     Getting drunk on a Wednesday night.
       3)     Daydreaming about traveling the world instead of paying attention in class.
       4)     Procrastinating the whole day.
       5)     Ordering pizza at 2 a.m.
       6)     Switching your major to something less practical but more appealing.
       7)     Showing up to class in your pajamas.
       8)    Perfecting the art of funneling and every other drinking game.
       9)     Spending more time laughing with friends than updating your resume.
      10) Taking an embarrassing on-campus job.

 You can find more things not to apologize for in the following link. ENJOY!!!



  1. I think you forgot the most important one - do not apologize for being grumpy in the morning after Under night because evey one has walked this path!

  2. Everyone is a broad definition, but Deni's comment provoked me to suggest another one - do not apologize for NOT going to Under! :)
