Sunday, March 16, 2014

10 Things That Happen When You Are Addicted to Coffee

In college people experience and learn a lot of new things and form various habits. For instance, a lot of people start drinking coffee for the first time while in college and form here on they might hate it forever because it will remind them of the sleepless nights spent over projects, paper, and midterms. Or they might love it forever. Coffee can even become your best friend – the one you wake up every morning with. Some people enjoy coffee so much, that they just drink it all the time as if it is water. As a last semester senior I know how frequently one can be forced to drink coffee in order to wake up, no matter how bitter and unpleasant it might be. However, many people worship this sacred drink and cannot start their morning without a cup of their favorite day companion. What is following is a list of 10 things that usually happen to people who are coffee addicts and you might not want to interfere with them…in some occasions…

1)      You are a person no one wants to talk to before you have had your morning coffee.
2)     You are not productive without your coffee.
3)     You burst out in anger when someone asks you how many cups of coffee you got.
4)     You want to punch your friends in the teeth when they tell you that you should reduce the daily amount of coffee intake.
5)     Finishing your cup of coffee sends you in a deep despair.
6)     You feel overly happy at the end of the working day because finally you can go for coffee with your friends.
7)     You are turning red and steam starts coming out of your ears when someone tells you to substitute coffee for green tea.
8)    You feel fabulously awesome once the effect of the caffeine starts working.
9)     You are acting like a drug addict when people ask you if you like coffee.
10)  You freak out when one of your friends drank up your coffee.



1 comment:

  1. I don't see why a cup of coffee is your enemy since it heps you enduring the rest of the day- I usually call that my best friend!!!
