Sunday, March 23, 2014



The picture above speaks very eloquently about what I want to discuss in this post – one thing I am definitely not going to miss about college. This is The Bill every student receives at the end of each semester, which you have to pay before its end. Yes, you see the amount you have to take out of your pocket and you don’t even know where those expenses came from. It is like they charged you for breathing, talking, standing, chewing, even existing. It is not enough that you pay for tuition, but you also have to pay for 1000 additional things which you don’t use or even know about their existing. Well, of course, the blame is all yours, since you chose to study there and now you have to shoulder this burden. The good thing is that this will be so only for four years, so seniors, you are lucky, because whatever price increases happen, you have just a few more months left. Therefore, dear students, my advice is to take whatever possible you can receive from this four-year experience, get the best of it, because it might be with you for a long time. The bad things – we all forget them quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I'll follow your advice. I'll take the best of my senior year, I hope that in the end I'll remember only the good stuff
