Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lessons Learnt in College

Life is the largest and most comprehensive book a person can ever read. What is more, people don’t just read, they look, watch, feel, imagine, and experience. We are learning throughout our whole life and we all take different lessons from the many stages and from the many things we go through. What I am specifically talking about here is that college can be a great life school and we have all learnt our lessons or will learn them. This is one of the those precious periods in lives when we meet a lot of new people, make friends, grow, develop more skills, become more mature. College can give us some of the best moments and unforgettable memories. And from all those experiences we can learn a lot. That is why what is following is a small list of things we have learnt in college, some useful for our future, some useful to us as individuals and how we build our character. Go through it and see what you haven’t learnt yet.

Maybe it is worth remembering something.

1.       Advocating for yourself 
2.       Be a good time manager
3.       The power of perseverance
4.       Taking responsibility
5.       Good conflict resolution skills
6.       Good communication
7.       Dealing boredom
8.       Managing finance and debt
9.       Social networking
10.   Understanding true autonomy
11.   Appreciating vacation
12.   Every person has a story to tell
13.   Never forget your day ‘ones’
14.   Some will not see the same vision you see
15.   It is ok not to have a plan but remember to network
16.   Taking risks is important but a contingency plan
17.   Everything happens for a reason
18.   Cancelled classes are like celebrating you birthday

I hope that you already know a lot of these lessons, especially the seniors, but if not now is the time to catch up on them 

1 comment:

  1. Why I have only had one canceled class in AUBG career?! It's not fair haveing just one Bday for four years!
