Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lessons I Learnt in College

Following up on my previous post Lessons Learnt in College, I would like to share with you MY lessons learnt. Or at least some of them. Enjoy!!!

  • Find wonderful people, make them good friends of yours, and keep them for a lifetime.
  • Be open-minded for new experiences. 
  • Go through new things you think you are not good at.
  • Better late than never.
  • Socialize no matter how shy you are.
  • Participate in clubs even if you join them in your last year.
  • Developing yourself through extracurricular, socializing, and friends is more important than studying.
  • Remember your old friends.
  • Do not go to live off campus. 
  • Do not worry if you do not have a plan for the future.
  • Make things that make you happy!

Lessons Learnt in College

Life is the largest and most comprehensive book a person can ever read. What is more, people don’t just read, they look, watch, feel, imagine, and experience. We are learning throughout our whole life and we all take different lessons from the many stages and from the many things we go through. What I am specifically talking about here is that college can be a great life school and we have all learnt our lessons or will learn them. This is one of the those precious periods in lives when we meet a lot of new people, make friends, grow, develop more skills, become more mature. College can give us some of the best moments and unforgettable memories. And from all those experiences we can learn a lot. That is why what is following is a small list of things we have learnt in college, some useful for our future, some useful to us as individuals and how we build our character. Go through it and see what you haven’t learnt yet.

Maybe it is worth remembering something.

1.       Advocating for yourself 
2.       Be a good time manager
3.       The power of perseverance
4.       Taking responsibility
5.       Good conflict resolution skills
6.       Good communication
7.       Dealing boredom
8.       Managing finance and debt
9.       Social networking
10.   Understanding true autonomy
11.   Appreciating vacation
12.   Every person has a story to tell
13.   Never forget your day ‘ones’
14.   Some will not see the same vision you see
15.   It is ok not to have a plan but remember to network
16.   Taking risks is important but a contingency plan
17.   Everything happens for a reason
18.   Cancelled classes are like celebrating you birthday

I hope that you already know a lot of these lessons, especially the seniors, but if not now is the time to catch up on them 

Sunday, March 23, 2014



The picture above speaks very eloquently about what I want to discuss in this post – one thing I am definitely not going to miss about college. This is The Bill every student receives at the end of each semester, which you have to pay before its end. Yes, you see the amount you have to take out of your pocket and you don’t even know where those expenses came from. It is like they charged you for breathing, talking, standing, chewing, even existing. It is not enough that you pay for tuition, but you also have to pay for 1000 additional things which you don’t use or even know about their existing. Well, of course, the blame is all yours, since you chose to study there and now you have to shoulder this burden. The good thing is that this will be so only for four years, so seniors, you are lucky, because whatever price increases happen, you have just a few more months left. Therefore, dear students, my advice is to take whatever possible you can receive from this four-year experience, get the best of it, because it might be with you for a long time. The bad things – we all forget them quickly.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

 Bad Habits That I Learnt In College

We were born people for the good or for the bad. And all people have their positive and negative sides, virtues and vices. Throughout our growth we develop various habits, good and bad. Some of them last for a lifetime, others disappear quickly, depending on the environment we live in. Very often exactly the environment is the key driver that helps us form those habits. Therefore, it is very important for you to decide on your surroundings, according to which stage of life you are at.

Today I will share with you several bad habits that I personally learnt while in college. I believe that many of them hold for you as well. Enjoy!
          1)      Procrastinating the whole day
          3)     Taking a long ‘nap’ in the afternoon.
          4)     Going to bed when other people wake up.
          5)     Waking up when other people go to bed.
          6)     Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
          7)     Drinking coffee at least two times a day.
          8)     Eating junk food at the most inappropriate times.
          9)     Going out the night before your exam.
        11)   Pretending that you are talking on the phone when someone you don’t want to talk to approaches you.



Sunday, March 16, 2014

10 Things That Happen When You Are Addicted to Coffee

In college people experience and learn a lot of new things and form various habits. For instance, a lot of people start drinking coffee for the first time while in college and form here on they might hate it forever because it will remind them of the sleepless nights spent over projects, paper, and midterms. Or they might love it forever. Coffee can even become your best friend – the one you wake up every morning with. Some people enjoy coffee so much, that they just drink it all the time as if it is water. As a last semester senior I know how frequently one can be forced to drink coffee in order to wake up, no matter how bitter and unpleasant it might be. However, many people worship this sacred drink and cannot start their morning without a cup of their favorite day companion. What is following is a list of 10 things that usually happen to people who are coffee addicts and you might not want to interfere with them…in some occasions…

1)      You are a person no one wants to talk to before you have had your morning coffee.
2)     You are not productive without your coffee.
3)     You burst out in anger when someone asks you how many cups of coffee you got.
4)     You want to punch your friends in the teeth when they tell you that you should reduce the daily amount of coffee intake.
5)     Finishing your cup of coffee sends you in a deep despair.
6)     You feel overly happy at the end of the working day because finally you can go for coffee with your friends.
7)     You are turning red and steam starts coming out of your ears when someone tells you to substitute coffee for green tea.
8)    You feel fabulously awesome once the effect of the caffeine starts working.
9)     You are acting like a drug addict when people ask you if you like coffee.
10)  You freak out when one of your friends drank up your coffee.



10 Things You Do NOT Have to Apologize For When You Are In College

Since early childhood, since the time we were forced to sleep in the afternoon because sleep helps us grow, since the time we were checked if we washed our hands before eating, we have been taught the three most important words in life: please, thank you, and I apologize. Yes, we were taught to be good people, thankful for the things we had and received, and regretful for the wrongs we did. We were taught that to apologize means to admit your wrong deed, behavior, or words, so that we make the other person feel better. However, no one asked us if we do want to apologize. No one asked us why we did what we did. No one asked us how we felt. Well, this absolutely cruel life injustice has been revenged. In college. Below is a list of 10 things you don’t need to apologize for when you are in college. So, grab a pen, take notes, and don’t forget that no one can make you apologize if you don’t want to.

       1)      Going shopping for more socks and underwear so you don’t have to do laundry.   
       2)     Getting drunk on a Wednesday night.
       3)     Daydreaming about traveling the world instead of paying attention in class.
       4)     Procrastinating the whole day.
       5)     Ordering pizza at 2 a.m.
       6)     Switching your major to something less practical but more appealing.
       7)     Showing up to class in your pajamas.
       8)    Perfecting the art of funneling and every other drinking game.
       9)     Spending more time laughing with friends than updating your resume.
      10) Taking an embarrassing on-campus job.

 You can find more things not to apologize for in the following link. ENJOY!!!
