Friday, April 18, 2014

It Is Time…

It is time to write the last post in my blog (at least as a part of my Social Media course). It is time to say good bye to all my viewers and readers (at least as a student blogger). It is time to say an enormous THANK YOU to all the people who were with me during this adventure, who supported me, who inspired me, who viewed or read my blog, who commented on my posts, who told me that they actually did what I wrote about and this made them feel better.

In the beginning, I asked myself why people blog, what is the reason behind that: do they just want to share their opinion, to find listeners of their voice, to find supporters of their beliefs and causes? Now, when I do not need to blog any more, I felt somehow strange and sad about that because I found the greatest reason why anyone would blog, a reason I also understood in the end. By blogging people influence other people’s lives in one way or another, but they do influence them, their actions, and their behavior. And I also felt that once when I read a blog of a friend of mine. It is truly amazing how a person can be affected by the words of another, let alone it is a stranger.

So, it is that time when we all become very sensitive, and emotional, and sentimental, and sad, and depressed, and nostalgic because we are approaching the end of……... my blogging. Ok, ok, that was a joke. We are close to the end of our lovable AUBG time. We experience some things for the last time, but just in AUBG, which still means a lot.

Source: Personal archive

Source: Personal archive

Source: Personal archive

Source: Personal archive

1 comment:

  1. Seli, I think that you have inspired and influenced a lot people with your blog! Now I know what to expect when I'm a senior next year - BEST year ever.
