Wednesday, January 29, 2014

BUS 449 Post 1


OK. Allow me to start (my first entry of my first blog EVER and probably the only one in the future) with a promise: I will do my best not to cause TOO much drama and tears in your eyes, although I love the latter one when the reason behind it is pure happiness or just intoxicated mind. But I have to also admit that I am a really really really emotional and sentimental person, so please accept my preliminary apologies for not always keeping up my promise.

This is my last year at AUBG: last semester, last classes, last AUBG tuition, last lunches at ABF (as an AUBG student), last DIVA dinners, last PIANO BAR nights, last UNDERGROUND non-memories , last banichki from Bakalov, last roommates fights. I still cannot realize that I do some things for the last time and that there are so many more that I never did but wanted to.

So how does it feel being on the finishing line?  I cannot answer this question. At least not right now. Being a senior doesn’t feel like something extraordinary. It doesn’t feels like I am a superstudent with super knowledge powers. It doesn’t feel like I am a freshy, either. However, it does feel like it is the end of a whole era in my life. It does feel like I have to search for another home soon. It does feel that I will be heading for somewhere unknown.

But there is quite a considerable amount of time till the end. What will happen? Just wait and you will see. And don’t forget to check it out here! HAPPY SENIOR YEAR!!!
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